English to Punjabi Dictionary contingent


a contingent of Japanese businessmen attending a conference
a group of people united by some common feature, forming part of a larger group.
the contingent nature of the job
subject to chance.
resolution of the conflict was contingent on the signing of a ceasefire agreement
occurring or existing only if (certain other circumstances) are the case; dependent on.
Orders were given to repair the walls and a 'contingent' of 20,000 troops was sent to confront the enemy.
Too often, sales would close a major deal with a customer 'contingent' on a feature that engineering had dropped from the release a month before.
The military 'contingent' is assisting the police by providing a secure environment so law and order can be re-established.
And since this law must have no content provided by sense or desire, or any other 'contingent' aspect of our situation, it must be universal.
Such exploration calls for a theory of the subject as a 'contingent' psychocultural construct implicated in the visual sign.
The subject is a historically 'contingent' effect, but to see ourselves as purely victims of historical and spatial imperatives is to limit our understanding of what it is to be human.
The largest number of vendors and the largest 'contingent' of delegates should have been a dynamite combination.
The only thing the lawyer can make 'contingent' on the success of the suit is her fee.
That will remove a huge 'contingent' liability on the banking system.
Painters, we have seen, evinced a new sensitivity to the 'contingent' nature of their means of expression.
Even the notions we perceive as a priori true may be 'contingent' upon our perceptual framework.
For some of those who deny dualism and uphold monism claim that their monism is a 'contingent' truth: that it is true, but it might not have been.
Where protest embodies an actual challenge to the stability of government power or ruling social elites, the 'contingent' nature of that right emerges.
The commander of the multinational division, incorporating our military 'contingent' , is empowered to ensure tactical interaction with the brigade.
An option is a future 'contingent' liability whose present value can be estimated with a series of probabilistic and economic assumptions.
Look closely at 'contingent' liabilities, which will be listed in the notes to the accounts.
For example, ‘Unicorns exist’ is a 'contingent' proposition.
For Zahar, the apparent difference between mass and energy arises from the 'contingent' fact that our senses perceive mass and energy differently.
That the emotions have a history implies that subjects are historically 'contingent' and open to the possibility that they are hence culturally determined.
It is not a mere question of genetics; heritage is not simply the legacy of blood-relations, but of a multiple and 'contingent' nature.
Our Army's battlefield success is 'contingent' on the right information reaching the right soldier at the right time.
Most of our doors are double locked as though to emphasize the 'contingent' nature of dwelling.
Both artists acknowledged the 'contingent' nature of the exhibition and their material relationship to the site itself, in these days an exemplary act of formal courtesy.
The 'contingent' liability remaining on these open years of account is incalculable.
I do not award damages under the heading of 'contingent' liability for refunds.
Explanations of the origins of capitalism have thus far taken its advent in Western Europe as a given rather than a 'contingent' fact to be explained.
Whether the net effect is to maintain existing cell size, increase it or reduce it is not part of the theory, but 'contingent' on ecological circumstances.
In any case, it fully confirms it as concerns one essential point, what I have called the 'contingent' nature of society and the attendant pathos.
A heavy 'contingent' of defence force personnel and special police disaster and reaction units plan to patrol the summit.
Was there any evidence of any actual, as opposed to 'contingent' liability?
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