English to Punjabi Dictionary impressionable


a girl of eighteen is highly impressionable
easily influenced because of a lack of critical ability.
When such ideas are allowed to stand, they take root among the 'impressionable' or those predisposed to think the worst.
The mind of a fourteen year old is 'impressionable' , clearly.
Many kids see these stars as role models, and above all they are at an 'impressionable' age.
At the 'impressionable' ages between 13 and 16 peer pressure is the biggest influence.
I know some things get said about the media influencing the behaviour of 'impressionable' minds, but I'm not so sure.
Maybe the problems arose when the players became less 'impressionable' as they got a little bit older and weren't so willing to listen.
He is not 'impressionable' , controllable, or easily influenced like a younger boy would be.
He had grown into quite a handsome young man and found that, if his targets were young and 'impressionable' enough, he could appear charming.
Defence barristers said they were vulnerable and 'impressionable' young men who had been offered cash to sell the drugs.
Many of his listeners are of an 'impressionable' age and take the words of a popular media figure to be gospel truth.
I also thought about the influence that celebrities have on young 'impressionable' teeny boppers.
More than half our population is youth who are at a very 'impressionable' age.
Watching him mimic my actions has made me realise how easily 'impressionable' he is.
But I was young and 'impressionable' … was it so wrong of me to be influenced by another?
Watching all those movies at such an 'impressionable' age, I always wanted to grow up to be Cary Grant.
I entreat all of you who have any sort of influence over 'impressionable' young minds to introduce them to the great bands of the past.
One might say that 'impressionable' young men recklessly believe what their officers tell them.
She was a naive and 'impressionable' young girl, with little life experience behind her.
It can have a lasting effect on people, especially when they're at an 'impressionable' age.
My thoughts immediately turned to Laurent, whom I met during my 'impressionable' university years.
I read this when I was 'impressionably' young, and then again and again since.
Do you really want to exist in a state of constant intense 'impressionability' ?
By the end things get a little overly sappy, but this is a teenage romance - who among us wasn't a little mushy at that 'impressionably' young age?
Traditional astrology considers the Moon a significator of change, fickleness and easy 'impressionability' ; and yet few astrologers would dare to disregard its powerful influence upon earthly events.
The display is not on the grounds of a public school, where, given the 'impressionability' of the young, government must exercise particular care in separating church and state.
The alleged superior receptiveness or 'impressionability' of the little girl endows her with a fluidity of viewpoint particularly suited to the urban environment and with a greater capacity to sustain and recode the shocks it affords.
As one acquaintance remarked, Pater cultivated ‘a wise, grave passiveness, a gentle susceptibility, a kind of soft 'impressionability' … I never remember a single unkind criticism or remark ’.
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