English to Punjabi Dictionary materialize


There must be strange entities materializing from the ether, ghouls, ghosts, or spirits hanging out in the material world to warn or haunt us.
(of a ghost, spirit, or similar entity) appear in bodily form.
the assumed savings may not materialize
become actual fact; happen.
a medium, she was reputed to 'materialize' substances
The expectation was for an abrupt decline in consumer expenditures that, in fact, did not 'materialize' .
The salaries did in fact later 'materialize' , and living within salaries is no form of corruption.
the forecast rate of increase did not 'materialize'
Why did he keep looking over his shoulder as if expecting for an assassin to 'materialize' out of the shadows?
Indeed, in the film, the ocean can project and 'materialize' the deepest thoughts that lie in the minds of the humans living close by.
the assumed savings may not 'materialize'
It is in it that we 'materialize' our reveries, through it that our dream seizes upon its true substance.
Three older pair of elfin fairies 'materialize' next to the children.
This is also the case in selecting the ways and means to 'materialize' them.
In actual fact, it is absolutely indispensable that it 'materialize' very quickly.
the train didn't 'materialize'
When the boom failed to 'materialize' , eventually the scam got so large that it could no longer be hidden, and the entire house of cards came tumbling down.
But it is feared the ban would make it difficult for it to 'materialize' its future investment plan, he said.
The courses most frequently offered in distance learning curricula quite clearly 'materialize' the end of the humanities.
In the synaptic space, art objects are resurrections of the creations of the mind - a mind that uses the body as a machine to 'materialize' ideas, patterns, and emotions.
the train failed to 'materialize'
However, despite the opportunity, it seems that our leaders are still not able to 'materialize' the dreams of reform.
With a sense of morbid fascination, she peered into the darkness, waiting for the monster to 'materialize' .
This is the big vision I have ahead, and I am sure that we can 'materialize' this.
A final problem is that the benefits of postsecondary education may not 'materialize' until individuals reach their late twenties or early thirties.
It was as if a giant bubble from a science-fiction film had 'materialised' all around this piece of land.
However, the estimated revenue has failed to 'materialise' , primarily because householders have adopted a minimalist approach to refuse disposal.
Our forecast was wrong - we expected the relative decline of their position, and the reason why it did not 'materialise' is another story, for a longer discussion.
They don't occur at random or 'materialise' out of nowhere.
The government was on the brink of 'materializing' it in 1995.
So let's reserve judgment until actual evidence 'materializes' .
All this seemed extremely close to the kind of 'materialization' of time that preoccupied Einstein.
Everything was patiently explained and the chances of monsters somehow 'materialising' under the bed were rationalised away.
Rumours of a bid last week sent the stock soaring but yesterday investors headed for the exit as confirmation of an approach failed to 'materialise' .
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