English to Spanish Dictionary refinement


the refinement of uranium
the process of removing impurities or unwanted elements from a substance.
translation of 'refinement'
Association with the Tuesday Club offered an opportunity to acquire some of that old world patina of gentility and 'refinement' so desired by the Chesapeake elite.
Hagel and Brown point out that construction of the Web services architecture is still in its early stages and will require years of investment and 'refinement' .
She spends nearly quarter of an hour talking me through the growing, shipping, 'refinement' and chemical processes.
Taken overall, his nine features display a degree of visual 'refinement' and intellectual ambition unusual in a director attached to the mainstream British film industry.
In Urban India today, it has become a symbol of culture and 'refinement' to talk about and to support environmental causes.
the 'refinement' of Hellenistic art
Why is it that when the evolution of man is picturised, humans are the ultimate in the process of evolutionary 'refinement' ?
the 'refinement' of uranium
When I think of Jenny a myriad of words come to mind; beauty, depth, elegance, 'refinement' , talent, charm, sensuality, intellect… and these are just the first that come to mind!
‘I think my mother wanted to instill some grace and 'refinement' in me,’ recalls Ansanelli.
the 'refinement' of Hellenistic art
Generally, the more educated a man, the greater his self-control and 'refinement' in dealing with the fair sex.
A further 'refinement' is to establish a standardized numbering system to label all structures in contested areas.
her carefully cultivated veneer of 'refinement'
It has created a sense of subtle 'refinement' that lots of London bars lack.
To be a Nawab is to be heir to a lifestyle marked by 'refinement' in speech and behaviour.
The concept of validity has been contested and is subject to further 'refinement' .
His mature works combine features of his Bruges predecessors, van Eyck's fascination with the detail of the visible world and Memling's 'refinement' , with some compositional elements from Hugo van der Goes.
My own feeling is that Englishmen of taste and 'refinement' prefer the longer word, but, sadly, American influence has meant that it is now falling out of use.
Researchers have conducted testing and product development on a laboratory scale and are looking for an industrial partner for scale-up and further 'refinement' of the process.
Grain 'refinement' is influenced by the complex effects of alloy design and processing methods.
Of course, calling Descartes the first nerd grossly ignores his personal 'refinement' , elegant prose style, sly wit, even his surprising career as a soldier of fortune.
This place was a vacation from the discriminating world, a place where culture and 'refinement' took a step down to allow raw emotion to pass.
the 'refinement' of uranium
For those cowed by all this ardent muscularity, turn to her to discover, at the last, a private Rubens, that man of exceptional 'refinement' and sensitivity.
You're buying into a lifestyle that shrieks taste and 'refinement' .
Autocrats hear dissent and critique as threat - they don't understand that it's an open society's process of repair and 'refinement' .
His 'refinement' of this balance theoretic process produces perhaps the most thoroughly developed analysis of cohesion within contemporary network analysis.
The processes of 'refinement' , manufacture and consumption each have inputs (materials and energy) and outputs (products, energy and waste).
this gross figure needs considerable 'refinement'
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