English to Spanish Dictionary squarely


en ángulo recto
Ashley looked at him squarely
directly, without deviating to one side.
But it was hats off to Dunn for the way he took all they had to throw at him 'squarely' on the chin before leaving with his dignity intact.
And stop him, she did, as she slapped him 'squarely' across the face.
Then she caught her reflection in the mirror and looked herself 'squarely' in the eye.
Hitting the nail 'squarely' on the head when it comes to the giving of gifts is often a delicate matter which a lot of us cannot master.
Thankfully he was unhurt except for a cut on his knee, though his bike did land 'squarely' on top of him.
He believed Mrs Letch probably tried to correct the skid but in doing so steered 'squarely' into the path of the oncoming car.
Such films are aimed 'squarely' at an American audience with little interest in the truth about contemporary Ireland.
Perhaps it's time to place the blame 'squarely' on the shoulders to which it belongs.
Slade has stood 'squarely' on the side of freedom and innovation from day one, and he will continue to do so…
Ashley looked at him 'squarely'
The burden of education is often placed 'squarely' on the shoulders of teachers.
they placed the blame 'squarely' on the president
We stand 'squarely' behind the Government of Montserrat and support them as they go forward with the project.
It struck a home defender 'squarely' in the side of the head causing debate as to whether a penalty flick should have been awarded.
They put the primary blame 'squarely' on the political parties and the candidates.
Malachi winced as the blow landed 'squarely' across one of the bruises he had received from his beating the previous day.
It's just easier to lay all the blame 'squarely' on the shoulders of smokers.
But he blamed the Government 'squarely' for not providing a proper sewerage scheme.
they placed the blame 'squarely' on the president
He also volunteered with AIDS agencies, determined to stare the situation 'squarely' in the eye.
The number of fat kids in the UK has officially doubled, and the finger of blame is pointing 'squarely' at computer games.
It hit Susanna 'squarely' , and the force behind it sent her sprawling backwards.
Situated 'squarely' in the center of this design is the ancient figure of the vampire.
A heap of snow had fallen from directly above us and landed 'squarely' on each runway, preventing any possible take-offs.
Mrs Bladen laid the blame 'squarely' at the door of the SYAS managers.
Blame for the subsequent chaos would then be placed 'squarely' on the doorstep of Number Ten.
Its become a category five killer once again and apparently it has Grand Cayman 'squarely' in its sights!
The blame for this year's debacle lies 'squarely' with the organisers.
Ashley looked at him 'squarely'
The wreck is mostly intact but lies 'squarely' on its port side.
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