English to Spanish Dictionary volatile


Methyl acetate had the highest mean peak height of the selected volatiles , followed by acetic acid and then acetaldehyde.
a volatile substance.
Other substances used in volatile substance abuse are solvents, which comprise one of the other areas the Minister wants examined.
(of a substance) easily evaporated at normal temperatures.
the political situation was becoming more volatile
liable to change rapidly and unpredictably, especially for the worse.
translation of 'volatile'
As ordinary life becomes more 'volatile' , insecure and unpredictable in various ways, people search for security in whatever ways they can muster.
She was a fascinating speaker who was able to explain in the simplest of terms the huge complexities of Iraq and the dangers of upsetting the power balance in that 'volatile' region.
Born in 1626 in Smyrna, Turkey, he was by all accounts a brilliant, charismatic if emotionally 'volatile' man.
A market with large swings in price is generally considered highly 'volatile' and, hence, unpredictable.
The only evidence for this is circumstantial: there was no civil war and he was in power at a 'volatile' time.
He was 'volatile' , and maybe that's just what the sport needed, because it brought a lot of non-bowling viewers into the sport via TV.
She said she could no longer cope with her 'volatile' husband who was bringing his obsessive drive for golfing perfection home.
These attacks attempt to gain access to the secrets stored in 'volatile' and non-volatile memories.
Some patients can benefit from other techniques, including topical capsaicin and topical application of aspirin suspended in a 'volatile' substance such as acetone.
He said he wanted to support the fund, especially their vital work in schools raising awareness about 'volatile' substance abuse.
This is not an unheard-of phenomenon, by the way, with certain 'volatile' personalities who work together.
Inhalant abuse is defined as the intentional inhalation of a 'volatile' substance in order to achieve euphoria.
Though generally perceived to be an energetic and 'volatile' character, he has yet to show anything but easy charm in dealings with Scottish journalists.
Prices on last minute airfare can be highly 'volatile' so try to book in advance.
Another is to release the 'volatile' substance allicin, which irritates the eyes.
He added: ‘With children playing Russian roulette with their lives it is no longer tenable to ignore 'volatile' substance abuse.’
By the nature of the practice, 'volatile' substance abusers repeatedly expose themselves to far higher doses of compounds than could be given during volunteer studies.
Manufacturers switched to cheaper, 'volatile' SRAM and DRAM solutions in the early '80s.
In fact, all 'volatile' substances are potentially narcotics.
I had some very 'volatile' neighbors who liked to fight late, late at night.
The situation was highly 'volatile' - as alliances between the states shifted, so did the loyalty of citizens to their government of the day.
Just imagine what will happen when there are disagreements, which could happen often between these strong-willed, 'volatile' men.
Other substances used in 'volatile' substance abuse are solvents, which comprise one of the other areas the Minister wants examined.
Nevertheless, the upside from oil prices is offset by their future unpredictability, with the 'volatile' movements of this one global commodity determining how earnings may change.
As was shown above, the foreign secretary was acutely aware of the ‘enormous potency’ of the Kaiser's 'volatile' personality.
Throughout their careers, the 'volatile' brothers have courted controversy and rarely been out of the celebrity gossip pages.
Plato remarks in The Republic that bad characters are 'volatile' and interesting, whereas good characters are dull and always the same.
For substances with lower boiling points than water, heating can be used to drive off the more 'volatile' substance, which can then be collected by condensing it.
The detection of some 'volatile' substances in blood does not in itself indicate inhalant abuse or even occupational exposure to these chemicals.
A bad environment filled with sandy wind, powder, dust, or 'volatile' chemicals in the air can be dangerous for contact lens wearers.
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