English to Tamil Dictionary local


a local person or thing, in particular.
researching local history
belonging or relating to a particular area or neighborhood, typically exclusively so.
translation of 'local '
அந்த அந்த இடத்திற்குறிய
Each group of cameras feeds into a 'local' computer as well as transmitting its pictures to the monitoring station.
'local' industry
One of the major factors in determining the price petrol is sold at in an area is the 'local' competition.
The company has produced greetings cards which include recipes made from food produced in the 'local' area.
The files are on your 'local' computer, and you need to upload them to the Web server.
We'll be forced then to re-evaluate our food systems and place more emphasis on energy efficient agricultural methods, like smaller-scale organic agriculture, and on 'local' production wherever possible.
However, as it only appeared in the left foot, it was probably just a 'local' infection which may have caused the man to limp.
Set up a node on your 'local' machine and use some test files to insert and request.
The class ask her to fill in the gaps in the 'local' history of the area, which is not always in the history books.
We don't care if you're the type of guy we could have a pint with down the 'local' .
It is hoped that next year we will do a full breakdown on the history of many 'local' organisations in the area.
Possibly the 'local' train may have observed something which may throw some light upon the matter.
Also, the council are looking at changing the signing for towns in the borough to improve 'local' identity in the area.
This ensures they get to where they need to be as quickly as possible, thanks to the police's 'local' knowledge of the area.
The boxes allow Internet access through a television and telephone line, at 'local' call rate.
BT could be ready to cut charges that give rival operators access to its 'local' network.
How can I log on to local internet providers and pay only 'local' phone charges when I am abroad?
He said the sub committee would be comprised of local people who knew the 'local' history and area.
Take a look at some of the 'local' areas where we polled strongly.
It can help if you can find a 'local' phone number for the baggage claim at the airport you flew into.
it was published in the 'local' newspaper
To that end, he has already visited the area to test 'local' reaction.
And in no way feel constrained if interest or circumstances confine your study to your 'local' area.
Many drinkers are as likely to order an elderflower cordial as a pint of beer down at the 'local' .
Many residents had lived in the surrounding streets before moving into the home which was highly regarded in the 'local' area.
Everyone going to intermediate stops had to get off there and switch to the next 'local' .
the children were all 'local' to Dublin
The climb is also interspersed by information from the guide on the history of the bridge, the city and the 'local' area.
The camp is open for all clubs in the area and hopefully the 'local' club rivalry will be put aside for one week during the camp!
The Park and Ride would also serve the new centre, attracting people from a wider area and boosting the 'local' economy.
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