English to Tamil Dictionary narration


இத்திரைப்படத்தின் கதை
the style of narration in the novel
the action or process of narrating a story.
translation of 'narration'
I was surprised by the traditional mode of 'narration' ; the prose is conventional, unsurprising, not ostentatiously poetic.
Moore's 'narration' is often sarcastic
The movies are composed of newsreel photography from the theaters of operation and 'narration' .
This sudden switch to first-person 'narration' is startling to the reader.
There is mostly a simple matter of fact 'narration' in the news.
Moreover, the 'narration' of the events provided by both complainants is completely incompatible with consent.
Moore's 'narration' is often sarcastic
the style of 'narration' in the novel
A 'narration' was given by his daughter, Jenny.
Much more than a straight 'narration' of history, they have shed light on the social realities of those days in a poignant manner.
there's no dialogue or 'narration'
In the middle of describing what he is thinking, Anderson switches to first person 'narration' .
What he revealed in his 'narration' of the program was an unbounded passion for this project.
The two featurettes are actually just compilations of behind-the-scenes footage, with no 'narration' or interviews included.
the style of 'narration' in the novel
The recordings would be activated as voice-over 'narration' when a viewer clicked on a photograph on a computer.
He floored the audience with his trademark style of 'narration' .
The 'narration' consists entirely of running commentary by the astronauts themselves, taken from over 80 hours of interviews.
And I think there was voiceover 'narration' coinciding with the actual scene dialogue.
In occurrences like this there are always circumstances involving difficulty which a full 'narration' of details would satisfactorily clear up.
She presents this in five acts linked by a 'narration' .
First of all, many people in Korea were upset with the 'narration' at the end.
This statement accurately sets the antagonistic tone of the entire 'narration' .
Women often tend toward the internal, personal 'narration' of events.
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