English to Telugu Dictionary rendezvous


I rendezvoused with Bea as planned
meet at an agreed time and place.
Not many get the chance to have a rendezvous with the 1980 All England badminton champion.
a meeting at an agreed time and place, typically between two people.
translation of 'rendezvous'
అందరి సమ్మతితో ఏర్పడిన ప్రభుత్వం,
పరస్పర అంగీకారంతో ఏర్పపచిన సమావేశము
Marie's subsequent 'rendezvous' with her husband to discuss the ransom money is quite absurdist, occurring on a very crowded street near a poissonnerie and a merry-go-round.
It describes one night in Vienna between their meeting on a train and going their separate ways, promising to 'rendezvous' in six months.
The company had to pay all suppliers who carted their goods to a spot in the desert where it was arranged for the group to 'rendezvous' for a desert lunch.
a lively West End restaurant 'rendezvous'
Now I simply hoped to keep him busy with minor editorial details, the excuse for the three of us to 'rendezvous' in Aspen.
When a young police detective sets up a 'rendezvous' with Tina for a little late night ‘questioning,’ he becomes the duo's next victim.
The contestants had a 'rendezvous' with the ‘super cop’ himself, the City Police Commissioner.
I 'rendezvous' with the band, sans Justin for the moment, for lunch at the venue.
Winston and the girl were finally able to arrange a 'rendezvous' in the country.
In the four hours it took Gabe to wait for his 'rendezvous' with Alex, the weather did not improve; as a matter of fact, it had only become colder, more drafty and cloudier.
In Twin Creeks, Cole and Dillon followed FBI agent Haynes to a 'rendezvous' with an informant who disclosed that Vincenzo is planning to attend a meeting in Philadelphia.
It's a marital 'rendezvous' , a meeting place for Paul and me after one of his weeks away.
Mark and Tina sat in the reception awaiting their 'rendezvous' with the principle.
Here I have a 'rendezvous' with the Timmermans, a Belgian couple who swapped the world of high finance for the good life.
Not many get the chance to have a 'rendezvous' with the 1980 All England badminton champion.
Until then I'll be making arrangements for your 'rendezvous' with your charges.
We don't know what he may have told the Krasians on his last 'rendezvous' with them.
I said to myself that all sounded legitimate enough, so I agreed to 'rendezvous' with them for a drink at a bar near my house.
Christopher arranges a 'rendezvous' with the socialite.
Ryan and Wynters will 'rendezvous' again this fall, when their new musical is workshopped at Grant MacEwan.
Edward turned up late for their 'rendezvous'
Can we 'rendezvous' at Rae's Junction or thereabouts?
University campuses became the 'rendezvous' of students' organizations.
The Indian Coffee House at Spencer Junction soon became the 'rendezvous' for members.
We always have our annual spring picnic at our secret 'rendezvous' which is at Central Park.
Fortified by a twice-baked Goats cheese souffle and a wine that was fresh, crisp and fruity, I set off for my final 'rendezvous' with his holiness.
you'd be welcome to use this place as a 'rendezvous'
That night, he keeps his 'rendezvous' with his secret correspondent and is surprised to find that Clara is that person.
While we're at it, we should throw in the fact that he so vividly recounts a 'rendezvous' with an Antiguan immigration officer.
As it was, I was already a couple minutes late for our little 'rendezvous' .
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