English to Telugu Dictionary sensitive


Thus, the positive results demonstrated by the sensitives do not appear to have resulted from ubiquitous stereotypes regarding ghosts that caused witnesses and sensitives to respond to the locale in a concordant manner.
a person who is believed to respond to occult influences.
the new method of protein detection was more sensitive than earlier ones
quick to detect or respond to slight changes, signals, or influences.
I pay tribute to the Minister for his sensitive handling of the bill
(of a person or a person's behavior) having or displaying a quick and delicate appreciation of others' feelings.
A helicopter had to be used to move materials to the site to start the project because wheeled vehicles would have caused too much damage to the 'sensitive' environment of the existing ancient woodland around the site.
Information is only information in relation to a specific mechanism 'sensitive' to a specific signal.
He pointed to the damage done to the 'sensitive' ecosystems in Shoalwater Bay by the US-Australia military training exercises that have taken place there since 1992.
Reflected signals from radar are 'sensitive' to water surface roughness.
A silver-based 'sensitive' coating, then on paper, later on glass and ultimately on plastic film, was used for a brief exposure in the camera.
This directly affects consumer spending, and especially 'sensitive' markets such as house prices.
There are wild-looking cats wandering the open areas and this might upset the very 'sensitive' .
Sucrose is a good subject for testing the sequence because it has resonances very close to that of water, making the signal 'sensitive' to the quality of the water suppression.
This regimen is widely used in cost 'sensitive' markets, but even in the United States it is still popular.
The overall effect gives weight to the opinions of some of your correspondents that this is a very convenient rule indeed if a councillor wishes to avoid commitment or keep 'sensitive' information under wraps.
All the electronic equipment using the semiconductor-based solid-state technology and their functioning is highly 'sensitive' to the ambient temperature.
Well the sensor is very versatile and it works in simultaneous modes so it both detects magnetic materials but it's also 'sensitive' to the electric susceptibility.
Are the border areas more 'sensitive' to any disruption to their own French identity?
Other applications of this discovery include sensors so 'sensitive' that they can detect a single molecule.
The whole process of category building is dynamic and extremely 'sensitive' to patterns detected in the data.
The area was extremely 'sensitive' to even light touch, and he was unwilling to have acupuncture needles inserted in or around this area because of the severe pain.
Prefabrication of the building in a nearby factory minimized both construction waste and damage to the 'sensitive' area by heavy equipment.
Whether or not it contained any 'sensitive' security information was immaterial.
Both parental and cells were equally 'sensitive' to damage by the alkylating agent.
‘This was a peaceful vigil and it is unfortunate that this incident took place but the police should be thanked for the 'sensitive' way they handled it,’ he said.
Access to especially 'sensitive' information would be restricted to those participating in the oversight arrangements, and the fact of access would be documented.
Some farmers and processors are saying we should not be afraid to test all cattle going to slaughter for BSE, or at least those going to 'sensitive' markets such as Japan.
And the movie contains non-exploitative sexual content featuring minors that may offend more 'sensitive' viewers.
Committee members were urged to keep all details of the meeting secret to prevent the 'sensitive' information leaking into the public domain.
Even the orthochromatic films were not 'sensitive' to red light.
A US Airways Express spokesman declined to comment on the charges, citing airline policy against revealing 'sensitive' security information.
We'll give you some first impressions later today, and after that - and if we haven't offended the 'sensitive' vendors too much - full reviews should follow in the next couple of weeks.
It also asked for a more 'sensitive' approach in handling such cases, but nothing seems to have come out of it.
But he was highly 'sensitive' , easily discouraged by setbacks; and in 1915 resigned from his union post to convalesce from alcoholism.
To saddle them with convenient moralizing about jeopardising the financial system by untimely disclosure of 'sensitive' information only compounds the offence.
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