English to Turkish Dictionary demoralized


Moral bozucu
their rejection of the treaty has demoralized the diplomatic community
cause (someone) to lose confidence or hope; dispirit.
It is a perceptive account of life in an occupied city, in which victors and vanquished alike are corrupted and demoralized .
corrupt the morals of (someone).
a weak and demoralized president
having lost confidence or hope; disheartened.
translation of 'demoralized'
cesaretini kırmak,
moralini bozmak,
ahlâkını bozmak
Despite this, the unit does manage to repulse the advancing rebel soldiers, leaving Henry feeling more 'demoralized' than ever.
Without our most important member, the group had been 'demoralized' .
They embody a 'demoralized' liberalism, whose watered-down perspective of reform has been discarded by the ruling class.
Overconfidence in their chances of taking the 'demoralised' Army side proved to be the downfall of the Navy men.
It would have been a slur on their professionalism had they been seen to be 'demoralised' by the departure of a mere youth.
Sadly, they have been 'demoralised' by an unsupportive management.
Our enemy is emboldened and our own people 'demoralised' .
The effect of the pandemic is greatly felt in the agricultural sector in terms of diminished and 'demoralised' manpower.
The party must re-group and must galvanise its 'demoralised' membership.
In the beginning, I was in tears after every lesson and felt 'demoralised' .
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