English to Urdu Dictionary clash


protesters demanding self-rule clashed with police
meet and come into violent conflict.
suits in clashing colors
(of colors) appear discordant or ugly when placed close to each other.
there have been minor clashes with security forces
a violent confrontation.
a clash of tweeds and a striped shirt
a mismatch of colors.
translation of 'clash'
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‘There was a 'clash' of personalities and things took a turn for the worse,’ he said.
Due to a date 'clash' , they were all riding at the Maxxis British Solo Motocross Championship in Northern Ireland.
The company, however, put the conflict down to a personality 'clash' between the parties.
Before the elf could answer, however, there was a loud roar of anger, a terrifying 'clash' of metal, and a feminine scream.
The power struggle at centres around a personality 'clash' between him and the man who has become the most important figure behind the scenes.
The 'clash' of metal resonated over the desert lands.
Shouts came from nearby and the 'clash' of metal was evident.
The Olympic champion could well have won four titles if she had not chosen to drop out of the 100 butterfly to avoid a 'clash' of events.
So it may have been a matter of a personality 'clash' .
Be careful that your colors don't 'clash' , either among the flowers or between flowers and furniture.
The 'clash' of dates, meanwhile, is unfortunate, though it hardly constitutes a disaster.
He spilled a can of green paint across terracotta tiles - what a horrendous 'clash' of colours.
a 'clash' of cymbals
I would have replied, but I could hear the first 'clash' of metal, and screams from the great hall.
a 'clash' of cymbals
I do not think that it is grandiose to say that what we are seeing unfolding before our eyes is nothing less than the 'clash' of two very different civilizations.
a 'clash' of tweeds and a striped shirt
The 'clash' of dates had caused speculation as to whether the Prime Minister would go to Rome for the pope's funeral or stay at home and attend the royal wedding in Windsor as planned.
We were no longer supposed to argue, 'clash' , conflict, debate, dispute, oppose, or protest.
a personality 'clash'
But at some point, won't all those egos 'clash' ?
Their blades 'clash' again, though both are little less energetic than before.
Suddenly I heard a 'clash' of metal on metal which brought me out of my thoughts - I looked up and found I could see two people fencing ahead.
I could colour it orange instead, but it would 'clash' , and I think I would rather go to bed.
The 'clash' of metal echoed throughout the castle.
He said the club had considered the York City Knights when planning the event to avoid a 'clash' with the rugby league club's big home game with Keighley.
we play our home games when they do not 'clash' with those of Liverpool or Everton
This year for our 56th Annual School and Juvenile Sports we had earmarked a late June date but a 'clash' with a big concert ruled it out.
He puts it down to a simple 'clash' of personalities.
A previously advertised shoot at Ballyhaunis, for Sun. 27th June, has been cancelled due to a 'clash' of dates with another event.
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