English to Urdu Dictionary illustrated


the guide is illustrated with full-color photographs
provide (a book, newspaper, etc.) with pictures.
an illustrated collection of poems
(of a book, newspaper, etc.) containing pictures or other graphical material.
Kevin is unveiling his book of 'illustrated' poems.
A substantial, well 'illustrated' booklet covering nationwide events is available at various outlets free of charge, including your local library.
In some kits, a well 'illustrated' manual, showing each step in cartoon form, may quickly guide the operator through the procedure.
Thirty-nine of his 43 'illustrated' volumes were about birds.
Immerse yourself in design, images, artwork; look at 'illustrated' books, visit visually stimulating places.
The third common finding was 'illustrated' with various examples.
The window piers at Hampton Court are also too narrow to accommodate any of the 'illustrated' tables except Figure 5.
The listing for 1695 'illustrated' above contains highly structured information.
Most applications will not require all of the acceleration measurements 'illustrated' .
The fully 'illustrated' , 144 page catalogue of the exhibition is the first scholarly publication on de Kooning's last decade of work.
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