English to Urdu Dictionary inquisitive


he was very chatty and inquisitive about everything
curious or inquiring.
translation of 'inquisitive '
ٹوه لگانا
The benefits of an open internet, free from clumsy regulation and 'inquisitive' authorities, have been huge.
She said: ‘I met George and his family for the first time the week after I did the jump and I was impressed because George was very 'inquisitive' and boisterous.’
Unfamiliar names do put many investors off, but an 'inquisitive' nature can reward those tracking down cheap shares.
However, he remains vigilant and 'inquisitive' when ordering his meal.
New Zealand First sees this legislation as an all-embracing, controlling, 'inquisitive' framework, developed under the present group of Ministers.
Before obtaining the ring he was an 'inquisitive' child with odd interests, who enjoyed causing mischief and solitary activities such as burrowing under trees to look at roots.
Being the 'inquisitive' , nosy guy that I am, I wanted to know what they would show about the movie before I saw the finished product.
While computer games ignited his interest in computers, his 'inquisitive' mind made him pick up the nuances of computers in no time.
Our mind becomes open, 'inquisitive' and supple.
I suspected the lilies could be responsible as the centre of the flower is very powdery and easily digested and he was an 'inquisitive' cat - always putting his nose into everything.
He gives me an 'inquisitive' look, as if to enquire whether something is the matter.
He was sprightly, 'inquisitive' , interesting and, in some respects, representative of the other passengers.
Alas, this didn't work, and concern grew as my enquirer's questions became more 'inquisitive' and her manner increasingly flirtatious.
He may have been born with an 'inquisitive' and highly innovative mind.
I felt a calm but 'inquisitive' interest in every thing.
They were quite intrusive and loud, and also 'inquisitive' .
Earlier this week a child only 17 hours old was removed from his cot and exposed to a crowd of 'inquisitive' strangers, for no other reason than to oblige his father, a struggling politician.
This is one scientific journey that should interest those with an 'inquisitive' mind.
In one chilling incident, a US serviceman threatened to shoot a reporter for being too 'inquisitive' .
They are usually 'inquisitive' and don't necessarily believe everything they are told; they can be a bit anti-authoritarian, with a rebellious streak; and they need to be very analytical.
But it's easy to slide from that kind of 'inquisitive' , imaginative investigation of the past to an idealization of the past and a demonization of the present.
I've always had an 'inquisitive' mind about everything from flowers to television sets to motor cars.
His nature is 'inquisitive' , always searching for an angle that he can turn to an advantage.
He had an intensely 'inquisitive' mind and a great interest in the natural sciences.
This exclusive look at the couple's life in Madrid was one of those documentaries in which the spirit of freely 'inquisitive' journalism meets the spirit of the carefully controlled promotional video and loses.
When I was giving evidence [to the report] I felt some members had already decided who was to blame and had a very hostile and not very 'inquisitive' manner.
Our 'inquisitive' interest encompasses all levels, from the most mundane, such as how do I turn on this computer, up to such profound levels as, what is the nature of reality?
They apologise, smile and look at each other 'inquisitively' .
I was proud that the president of my university retains the 'inquisitiveness' of an academic.
Yesterday I had the pleasure of spending 45 minutes with a beautiful woman, gazing 'inquisitively' into my eyes.
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